Games to Buy this Holiday Season

Skyrim is the game to buy for the kids. Not only is it a game that will suck up a lot of time, but it has a great story. Kids will be content on this game for weeks Mom and Dad.

Assassins Creed Revelations is a top pick for me. The second sequel to Assassin’s Creed 2 is a must play. Ubisoft struck gold with this game. The story and gameplay is the best Ubisoft has to offer.

For games that will keep the little brats quiet and content look no further than the laziest game makers money maker. Modern Warfare 3 is to say the least addictive online, but a waste of money for story line.

Comic Market 79 Screenshots

Warning: The Images have skin. That means I am not responsible if your 10 year old is allowed to roam the internet. Maybe you should try parenting sometime.

Comic Market 79 is a Japanese nerd festival where the avid fans get to dress up and have fun as their favorite gaming characters.

**Link is Japanese click at own risk**