Kassadin Notes Patch 4.4


Patch 4.4 Kassadin:


VISUALSKassadin’s particles have been updated!

Passive – Void Stone

NEWUTILITYKassadin now additionally ignores unit collision
ATTACK SPEED BONUSBonus attack speed per magic damage reduced ⇒ No longer grants attack speed

Q – Null Sphere

NEWUTILITYNow additionally grants Kassadin a shield for 1.5 seconds that absorbs 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.3 Ability Power) magic damage
NEWUTILITYSilences the target ⇒ No longer silences, instead it interrupts channel spells
DAMAGE80/110/140/170/200 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)

NEWW – Nether Blade

PASSIVEKassadin’s basic attacks draw energy from the void, dealing 20 (+0.1 ability power) bonus magic damage.
ACTIVEKassadin charges his Nether Blade, causing his next basic attack to deal 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power) bonus magic damage and restore 4/5/6/7/8% of his missing mana (increases to 20/25/30/35/40% against champions).
COOLDOWN6 seconds
UTILITYResets Kassadin’s basic attack timer on activation

E – Force Pulse

DAMAGE80/120/160/200/240 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)

R – Riftwalk

NEWDAMAGE80/100/120 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 80/100/120 (+2% maximum mana)
NEWSTACKING DAMAGE50/55/60 (+0.1 ability power) per stack ⇒40/50/60 (+1% maximum mana) per stack
NEWRIFTWALK STACKSCosts +100 mana per stack ⇒ Now doubles its mana cost per stack
NEWUTILITYRefunds mana on hitting enemy champions ⇒ No longer refunds mana on hitting enemy champions
COOLDOWN7/6/5 seconds ⇒ 7/5/3 seconds
MANA COST100 ⇒ 75
STACK DURATION8 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
My Notes:
Is he still a ban with the changes? Yes he is I can see him being a huge lane bully with early game power. He has been said to fall off mid to late game but I disagree. I think he is still a threat with a good build he can punish the carries by getting in the back still and blowing them up.
Build Recommend:
Boots and pots to start or a flask ward pot.
Rush the tear, and the catalyst
I run 2 rod of Ages on him
Complete the tear to staff
abyssal scepter or rod are great on him.
For good damage deathcap.

League of Legends Ranked ELO Hell and Beyond



From the soap box of the Riot box I am now going to go over the real issues that have been a plague throughout season 3.  From Elo Hell and its problems throughout the community, whether bronze or diamond.

One of the things that Riot did is they made it so that even if you are a Gold player you can still have your MMR(Hidden Points) placing you in bronze. This was designed to ensure that a carried person that is playing in lets say diamond V is not going to move up if they are at the skill level of a silver V. How they structure this is simple enough to understand from a certain view.


I am a Bronze I – I have a MMR Score that places me above my current Division.

My guess is I am Rated as a Silver IV or Silver III. – How do I know this? Ok so when they queue you up with other players for ranked match you can look at the players you will compete against. So when I get into a match I go here to see my match up.

I always get queued with no lower than a silver V and as high as a silver I. This means my match up is against the better of silver division as well as a win gives me a high amount of League points. If I lose I will see less points drop off my total.

Win/Loss Points Determination:

Win vs a higher ranked ream = More points

Win vs a lower ranked team = Less Points

Loss vs a higher ranked team = Less Points Lost

Loss vs a lower ranked team = More Points Lost

How to get out of the Clutches of being under ranked:

There is only currently one way to regain the position you are in and that is to win a lot. If you are stuck in a lower rank than you are you have to keep playing and try to raise that hidden MMR until you can get back to the right division you are in.

Preventing the chances of falling below your division:

Try not to play to many games if losing all of them. If you lose 3 in a row take a 2 hour break and come back after the system records it. If you keep playing and losing you can dig a hole and never get out. Don’t stop playing if on a win streak. The more you win the faster you hit promotion and the less likely you will fall out of division. Also you get more points for win streaks and hit that promotion series faster. If you lose 2 in promotion series best of 5 maybe take a break and wait till you are ready to go in and play with your wits about you. Nothing worst than being down on yourself before a big game.

Anyways I just wanted to write something up to encourage those of us who have been needing a boost of confidence.

League of Legends – Who is to Blame for loss?


For a longtime now it is customary for the gamer’s in our midst to blame others for a loss. However many times it is usually a matter of how each person performs in lane and in team fights. To better understand the possible reasons for a loss lets ask ourselves these questions.

In what way did the jungle help and aide early game and did he keep up in lvl?

Did the support ward properly and use their abilities to set up kills and deny farm to the adc?

Did the adc cs well and did they take advantage of mismatches and possible leads in lane?

Did the apc ward mid properly? Did the apc offer ganks to the lanes and successfully feed the adc in lane?

Did top provide the proper build to compliment the team composition and to help carry the team to a win?

Did the team take objectives?(Towers, Baron, and Dragon)

Did the team present proper team fight tactics such as focus the apc or adc to shut down the damage?

Did the team split push when the enemy was grouped on a lane? If not was it the best decision to split push or defend?

Some great jungle tips are the following:

I love to play pantheon in the jungle and I love to gank after blue on bottom if purple side or top if blue side. Usually if I have a good adc support it gets adc first blood and that means a lot for the rest of the game. I then go wolves, wraiths, red, and sometimes a jungle may go for my red which is why I like to get first blood to make up for it. However sometimes a jungle is just not thinking and my red wil be there when I move over that way. I notice a Lee sin player will usually invade my red anyway so I will go steal theirs after first blood. The goal on most jungles is to monitor the lanes and farm the monster camps, but if your team is losing lane then you have to react with a gank more often. I have changed games just ganking early and often. You lose the level and that hurts but if your lane is fed  you did a good job and can go back to farming. Remember that blue on mid is a great way to help them get ahead and if you can take away their blue it makes it better. Just remember counter jungling is risky. So if you go in drop a ward and have vision on the enemy so you can counter it better.

In lane you should be farming and harrassing, and a support is supposed to deny farm from the enemy. So get in there and force them to miss  the cs. Top needs to ward and know the location of mid and jungle, it is usually the downfall of top that they do not ward and watch the map and get ganked easily by mid and jungle. Ping a missing enemy and make sure people know it!

If you play your role correctly and ward than you did your job. If someone else didn’t do the same don’t cuss at them, but encourage a new strategy. After all it is a team game.

First Ranked of Season 3

Untitled 10101010


My first ranked game could have gone better, I was support so can’t really blame me for this one. I died 4 time to save my adc from dying early game and even though their team won they were really not very good. However we had a few problems. Our mid was Gragas vs Heimerdinger. He struggled even with ganks from my friend who was great jungler in the match. He used his running move to knock heimerdinger out of a sure death. He fed them 9 times early game and top lane was allowing Shen to cs too easily. Me and Caitlyn were doing great we had good cs and even with my deaths we were winning lane when the jungler was away. Lux went straight ap however and it ended up being our doom in the end. Our team was focusing the wrong champions and we were allowing Lux and twitch to do too much damage. My friend and I played our support and jungle roles really well and even took down lux, but the rest the team was too focused on tanks. In the end it was really inexperience from mid and top lane that hurt us. Also Caitlyn built blade instead of infinity and it really hurt us in the damage output also she was not really trying to get kills and in the end she was not trying to feed and shut down Lux which was a argument I brought up early game to shut down lux. Twitch was not in the CS business and that helped our lane push down tower, but it was a trade 1-1 because they got mid and after that it fell apart.

My question is this, is Taric still a champion to support with or is his changes in the update making shatter less effective making him nothing more than a stunner? I even tried going twin shadows to see if ap would help shatter but it really didn’t.

Winning by Determination in League of Legends

Taric Win


We were getting beat on every lane. I was supporting Teemo(AP) on bottom lane and he was just dying over and over. I had gotten a double kill under the turret after temmo had died diving it. I used a pro flash move to get away over a wall and ran into their jungler who attempted to take me out. My jungler dives in and I stun, shatter and ult all in one second. He tries to ditch but I exhaust him so my jungler and finish it. Late game we are losing team fights, and I know we need a straight armor boost so we can survive. Using the fact that I have been a target in team fights to our advantage I build frozen Heart. Followed by Runic Bulwark, and we slowly take back our pride. They managed to push down the middle inhibitor and have made no attempt at Baron, which I keep Vision wards on constantly. Pushing Down mid we take down their inhibitor. I tanked the turret which never got past my great armor protection. We than run down take the baron and ace them. I once again am focused but this time I know they can’t take me down quick enough because their team has no ADC(Ryze & Morgana Bottom).


Activating Items in League of Legends



Today I came across a solo queue game where our support was not using the Zhonya’s Hourglass active ability in team fights. I did talk to him during the game and told him the benefits of the hourglass. He ended up using it in a tough team fight and we aced the team. So I thought I would mention it here. When it comes to choosing items it is wise to learn the active abilities so that it can get you a kill in a fight. When I play as Kayle, Zhonya is automatic item. The cc it offers makes up for Kayles limited cc, and gives the team a chance to rally. I also take Nashor’s Tooth for the cool down and Morellonomicon is great for the cool down and the grievous wounds. Take a Gunblade for the ad and ap it gives and you have a dangerous support. A warmog’s gives you that 1000hp boost and can give you a longer presence in team fights.

League of Legends Season 3 NA Qualifiers


Looking back on the champions that stood out in the qualifiers. I have to say the one champion everyone didn’t want to play was Evelynn. Who can blame them, right! She is a great jungler that can use her array of abilities to keep someone from escaping or even a mid champ that can push the front turret and give her team a dangerous lead. I also as always saw the instant ban on Malphite. He is a very dangerous champion to deal with. Cho’Gath and Urgot were used with excellent execution. I loved seeing Nunu in the support role. He is so hard to deal with if given a chance to ult in the middle of a fight. Group fights were often decided by the skill of the adc and apc.’

It’s good too see some underdog’s go into the season this year. As well as the veteran’s Voyboy is as always a great player to watch as he is so entertaining. Team MRN got a big win to get the 8th spot in the qualifier. Excellent turn around games for them to get the chance to play. I look forward to this season.

Also it is possible to have a 3v3 with randoms and even at lvl 30 the guy playing Ezreal is clueless. He built tank…sad right! So I was Taric and friend was Renekton and even with out great play we couldn’t overcome Dr. Mundo and Amumu. I was rather angry with player who has no skill playing first time Ezreal. Apparently he hasn’t ever looked at recommended items.

My Guide to Sivir


Sivir is a great Attack Damage Carry(ADC) Champion, She is extremely dangerous because her boomerang deals damage twice once through targets and again on way back. She is great at harassing early game and killing late game. Although she has no slowing effects she does possess a ultimate(R) that can chase down even Master Yi. For this reason she is quite dangerous to be around with low health. Because she deals a lot of damage without her ultimate, once she uses it she gets a major attack speed/damage and movement boost for a short duration. To make her even harder to kill she possesses a shield as well as a damage/speed boost. So she can usually take a final shot and if you are low on health it usually means death. So I been messing with her build and really like this build.

Doran’s Blade to Start.
Recall with 900 gold Berserker Greaves(Attack speed boost.)
Infinity Edge(Crit and atk dmg)
Phantom Dancer(More Crit and atk spd)
Frozen Mallet(Health and dmg)
Mercurial Scimitar(Magic Resist and atk dmg)
(Sell Doran)Atma’s Impaler(Armor and Crit and atk dmg perk)