Review: Resident Evil 6


First and Foremost Resident Evil Racoon City was a disappointment, and some were worried that this game was doomed to that fate as well. I believe that this game is a huge improvement from Racoon City, and even has a better gameplay that Resident Evil 5. The game jump into action with each characters story. I love the graphics, gunplay, and nonstop action. The story is well developed and doesn’t attempt to over complicate the series. It was a straight forward campaign for each, and it does have a nice co-op feature. I would recommend this game to a fan of the series easily, this is however not a kids game. It is graphic and very realistic looking. I would highly recommend that kids be given supervision if you choose to let your kid play it.

This game would receive a 8/10 from me because it was a well developed game that brings many of the RE gameplay back as any fan would expect or even demand. So go out and get it, cause it is worth the play through.

$1300 Premium Edition Resident Evil 6 in Japan

The news of a 1300$ game just blows my mind. I think this is a little out of hand. I wouldn’t pay 1300$ for a system and they have the guts to sell a game for that! Oh well I guess someone in Japan will want to buy it. I am sure there are some in America that are grabbing for their wallets.  Resident Evil releases on Oct. 4th of this year in Japan. Which means on Oct. 5th the Japanese will be homeless and hungry…or maybe not.

PlayStation 4: Hopeful for Release in 2012

How can Sony make a huge impact on both Microsoft and Nintendo? Well for starters releasing a system that will be far more advanced in software and hardware could help. Sony made a statement when the PlayStation 3 released. That statement was simple. Our console is superior. They did however have some huge set backs in early launch from Online features to the insane price tag. However this time around they have a chance to move smoothly into the next generation console. Some of the key things that will set them ahead this time around.

PlayStation 4 Key Sales Pitches:
1. Body can act as controller
2. Voice Command feature
3. Most Advanced Hardware and Software
4. Exclusive’s
5. Price Tag(Consumer Friendly Price on Release)

PlayStation 4 Must Have Features:
1. An Improved Online Experience(Better than Xbox Live)
2. More to offer from PlayStation Network
3. A Redesigned Controller(Make Navigation a Breeze)

Sony has a chance to get ahead of Microsoft early. Nintendo has a great console releasing, but Sony can be dominant just in exclusive titles. They have a superior system in the PS3, but modern console design and hardware will boost sales. Sony has at least a couple years to build a community around PS4. They could be way ahead of Microsoft without much effort. I hope the price tag will be reasonable. I waited for a long time to get a PS3 because price was insane. The consumer looks at price as much as game selection. Offer both at reasonable prices and boom sales boost. Also could we see a lock out on resale for PS4? I mean Capcom has lead the way. We already pay extra for multiplayer, maps, and expansions.